Odds good for second IVF baby success

Women with one IVF baby have an excellent chance of providing it with a little brother or sister.

The first study to investigate the odds of having a second child via assisted reproductive technology treatment has revealed that having one child using IVF could set you up for future IVF success.

The study found the chances of having a second IVF baby after one cycle was 43 per cent with frozen embryos and 31 per cent with fresh embryos.

After three IVF cycles, the chances rose to 60-81 per cent for frozen embryos and 47-56 per cent for fresh embryos.

The study was led by researchers at the University of NSW’s National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit.

Senior study author Professor Georgina Chambers said the findings would empower IVF patients by providing them with the hard data they have been asking for to help them decide whether they will try for a second baby.

“We know that many women and couples want more than one baby to complete their family, and they want to be fully informed,” Professor Chalmers said.

“This data should reassure them that their chances of having a second baby through IVF is very good.”

The researchers studied 35,290 women who underwent IVF treatment at 90 clinics in Australia and New Zealand.

They followed the women for another two years, noting subsequent IVF cycles and births.

The study also revealed that embryos collected when the women were younger were more likely to be successful. Couples undergoing IVF due to male fertility also had a greater chance of success second time around.

The study also found that the older the mother, the lower the chances of success.

“For older women, the findings are still reassuring that even in the 40-44 age group the chances of having a second baby through IVF using your own eggs are good, not very good, but still good,” Professor Chalmers said.