Uterus donation giving women new hope

A mother in the USA who struggled with infertility for years is hoping to make the dreams of another woman come true by donating her uterus.

April Lane, 39, and her husband had tried for over nine years to have a family before being told they had “unexplained infertility”.

Not long after the couple had adopted a son, Lane became naturally pregnant.

She decided to try IVF and on her tenth cycle, she became pregnant with twins.

A year after that, she got pregnant again with another son.

Lane says that throughout their fertility struggles, she and her husband had been supported by a generous network of friends and healthcare providers – and when her family was eventually complete, her thoughts turned to giving back.

Lane started a scholarship foundation to help women pay for infertility treatments, but when she heard about uterus implant trials at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, she decided to get involved.

She traveled from her home in Boston to be tested and was accepted into the trials.

Within weeks the centre had identified a match.

Lane donated her uterus last year.

“Giving back has been really healing for us,” Lane told Inside Edition.

“It’s been healing for me personally and collectively for our family. It’s very rewarding.”

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