The Baby Project

New centre to make IVF more affordable

A new NSW fertility centre will offer affordable IVF and fertility preservation services for people with cancer and genetic diseases.

The Fertility and Research Centre is the first of its kind to offer people with a cancer diagnosis or rare genetic conditions the chance to make their future plans for children a reality.

The facility combines the latest research and fertility preservation and assisted reproduction services together in the one public hospital.

The centre is home to an assisted reproduction laboratory and procedure room where a full range of clinical services, including reproductive investigations and IVF services, will be available.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy will treat cancer but will destroy a woman’s store of eggs. It’s often necessary to take quick and pre-emptive action by freezing eggs and embryos.

Ther service will be linked with the Kids Cancer Centre at Sydney Children’s Hospital, and cancer patients will be able to speak with doctors about fertility preservation the very same day they are told they need chemotherapy.

The Fertility & Research Centre will also bring together top fertility experts to research new ways of slowing down the possible decline in egg quality as women age.

New approaches will be examined into preserving eggs, ovarian tissue, gametes and embryos for younger people with cancer, and reducing the risk of implantation failure and miscarriage in women in their 30s and 40s.

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